As part of the MTC 2024-2025 strategic plan, we recognize the criticality of maintaining a safe and healthy environment for your children. To do this we are committed to communicating and enforcing a consistent standard of discipline and conduct to promote a learning environment rooted in respect.
To our generous community and future volunteers, please be aware that you must have all safe environment clearances prior to any volunteer work involving our students. All steps can be completed online except the “Protecting God’s Children” workshop.
Maintaining Our Safe Environment
As clergy, staff or volunteers of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, WE are the first line of defense in the Archdiocese’s commitment to keep the children entrusted in its care safe from abuse. Archdiocesan policy requires that volunteers (unpaid) that have any possible contact with or responsibility for children, even if it is a one-time event, need background checks. (Example: chaperone for field trip, homeroom mom, teacher’s helper, school store volunteers, Secret Santa Volunteers, etc.)
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Office for Child and Youth Protection
More on MTC’s commitment to a healthy environment
Download Volunteer form here
Valerie Hoover is our Safe Environment Clearance Coordinator. Valerie leads the process and would like you to feel free to get in touch with at any time via email. We have put together a very comprehensive document that explains all of the steps, forms, training, etc. that you must complete before beginning any paid or volunteer service in which you would be responsible for the welfare of a child or have direct contact with children:
Clearance Requirements
The following clearances must be obtained by volunteers living in PA for less than 10 years:
Federal Bureau of Investigation Fingerprint Clearance
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
The following clearances must be obtained by volunteers living in PA continuously for 10 years
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
Disclosure Statement application for volunteers to be filed at the place of service.
Obtaining Required Background Checks
PA State Police Criminal Record Check
Can be obtained online at https://epatch.state.pa.us/Home.jsp with results available within a few minutes VOLUNTEERING AT MTC
Archdiocesan policy requires that volunteers (unpaid) that have any possible contact with or responsibility for children, even if it is a one-time event, need background checks. (Example: chaperones for field trips, homeroom mom, teacher’s helper, Recess Duty, Secret Santa Volunteers, etc.)
PA Department Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
Can be obtained online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS
Federal Criminal Background Check
All required current and/or prospective school employees, school contractors, student teachers and volunteers are to use the Pennsylvania Department of Education option.
The following are service codes needed to register:
1KG6TR is the code for (PDE) Pennsylvania Department of Education (non-public schools)
1KG6Y3 is the code for (PDE) Pennsylvania Department of Education Volunteers.
You should then click on Schedule or Manage Appointment and complete the required information.
Payment is to be made at the time of the fingerprinting
For fingerprint locations please visit the following website: https://www.identogo.com/locations/pennsylvania
To set up an account, Schools need to contact the PDE Pennsylvania Department of Education: 717-214-9755. (Jeanette)
If any of the results come back as unreadable the applicant will need to go for a 2nd set of fingerprints. If the results are still unreadable a name search will be conducted and the applicant will receive a letter. Please know that this process/letter still needs to be completed/updated every 5 years for compliance.
Clearance Renewal Requirements
All required clearances, including FBI, must be renewed every five years. Volunteers who have been a resident of Pennsylvania for less than 10 years must renew their FBI Fingerprint clearance until they reach 10 years of residency in Pennsylvania. Once the volunteer meets the 10 year residency requirement, they must complete a Disclosure Statement Application for Volunteers which must be submitted every five years.
Safe Environment Training Required
Training must be within 90 days of beginning their volunteer work.
Part I: Protecting God's Children, is offered regularly at sites throughout the Archdiocese. The training provides basic facts about child sexual abuse and adults’ roles in prevention. Register here
Part II: The Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse, is available online at our Training Institute in English and Spanish. This training provides an overview of Archdiocesan reporting procedures for suspected child abuse and Pennsylvania Child Welfare Laws. The training should take you approximately one hour to complete. Register here