If you are part of an MTC family, you are part of our Home & School Association. And being part of HASA is a good thing. Now all you have to do is raise your hand and come have some fun!
Our mission revolves around the advancement of Catholic education and the welfare of all the school children of this parish, the promotion of parent-school activities to increase interest in educational and civic affairs, and enhancement of the parents’ and teachers’ role in the education process by providing an opportunity to work together for the good of our children. Volunteerism is part of the Catholic School experience, and (trust us!) you will likely find you get more out than you put in.
Megan Cullen
Lea Scavello
Vice President
Emily Chiarella
Beth Vasil
Digital Communication
Erin Jenkins
Volunteer Coordinator
Jennifer Rad
Lauren Wanner
Member at Large
Nicole Murdock
Member at Large
Melisa Gleba
Member at Large
To see our mission through, we rely on the ever-amazing stream of generosity that pours in from our MTC families in the form of time and effort. Donating your time and talents can take many forms. You might become a homeroom parent, where you would work with the teacher to provide fun activities, classroom parties and special events throughout the year. You could join or chair a committee that manages the various fundraising and social events we have during the year. It is a perfect opportunity to meet other parents/community members and socialize while raising money for our students and simply having fun. We ask that each of you make a commitment to get involved. You won’t regret it!
Anyone interested in becoming a board member to help shape the ever-changing landscape of the activities we provide, please contact Ms. Pagan at christine.pagan@mtcschool.org.
Throughout the school year, HASA puts on events for the whole MTC community.
2020 Trunk or Treat: October 25, 2020
Families were treated to a drive-thru Trunk or Treat this year. The Scavello Family’s Construction Site trunk took home the prize, but with all the fun that was had, everyone was a winner!

Family Bingo Night, December 6, 2020
Nothing was going to stop us from putting on one of our favorite events: Family Bingo Night! Melissa Chiaravalloti (and her killer manicure) emceed the event and a great time was had by all.