1ST - 8TH Grades
About Our Special Education Program
Mother Teresa Regional Catholic School serves students with disabilities and provides a variety of supports to meet individual learning needs. Our program is highly individualized to allow students to reach their full potential. Our team designs an appropriate plan to meet each student’s unique needs while focusing on academic, social and emotional growth. MTC is constantly welcoming students who serve a wider range of needs.
Services Offered
Learning support- is designed to provide intensive educational programming to students with learning needs in the areas of reading, writing, or math.
Emotional Support- for those students who need support in social, emotional or behavioral help
Autistic Support- for children with autism who need support in communication, social skills, or behavior.
Multiple disabilities support- designed to provide support to those children who have more than one disability
Small group instruction
One- on- one help based on the student’s needs
Pull out or push into classroom for extra support
Modified assignments and tests
Sensory- friendly space
Social skill groups that help kids learn conversational, friendship, and problem- solving skills
Study skill groups
Organizational support/ daily check- ins with students
Behavior charts/ reward systems
Extra time