Plan a Visit
Become MTC Proud
One of the best ways to learn about Mother Teresa Regional is to attend an Open House. Meet admissions officers, administrators, faculty, students and parents and gain insight into our school, its programs, environment, and opportunities.
We are so excited about the potential of meeting you and your family to show all that MTC has to offer. Below you will find a variety of information: forms, tuition, financial aid, testimonials, etc. We highly recommend scheduling a visit and/or calling our Admissions office via MTC’s main school phone number, 610-265-2323.
Contact our Director of Enrollment and Activities, for further assistance with:
Key dates
Visits / tours
General school information
The registration process
Special events for prospective families
Any other questions or concerns you have around bringing your family to MTC
Please browse around our website as well. Great places to start might be “meeting” our teachers or the leadership team, viewing our strategic plan, or checking out the blog!